Justice Together Network Luncheon

March 2 12:00 - 1:30 pm  |  Calvary UMC: Fellowship Hall

2525 North Rock Road, Wichita, KS, USA

Network Member Luncheon and Training: March 2nd at Noon!
If you attended a listening session and signed up to be a network member with Justice Together last fall, you are invited to join us for lunch!
If you are interested in helping with Justice Together, and want to get signed up to serve, you are invited to join us for lunch!
Join Calvary’s Justice Together Team Leaders for a luncheon and training where we will get updates on Justice Together’s work this year, sign up to make calls and invite people to the Nehemiah Assembly in May, and learn about how to do our best work as Network Members and people invested in the work of Justice in Sedgwick county!
Let Rev. Ashley PBT or your Team Leader know if you can attend!