Calvary UMC is passionate about participating in acts of justice and seeking God's desire for our world here and now.
Together, we are committed to:
making ourselves aware of our own bias, privilege and experiences while learning about justice issues around us and people who's experiences differ from our own...
building relationships with community partners, leaders and churches who we can support, learn from and center on...
following through on our commitment to justice through our giving, our action, our words, and our resolve to see all people have equal rights and access to a healthy, whole life...
To learn more about our justice ministries, please contact Rev. Ashley PBT at ashley.pbt@calvarywichita.org
Calvary’s Reconciling Team seeks to help our church live out its Welcoming Statement and make our church and community safer, more inclusive and more loving for the LGBTQ community.
Calvary’s Racial Justice Team seeks to inform, engage, and build relationships in our church and community following the ARC model of justice. Together, we work towards Anti-Racism within ourselves and an end to systemic racism in our church and world through awareness, relationship and commitment.
Calvary UMC is one of 30+ founding congregations to commit to interfaith justice work and give of our leadership, volunteerism, time to see a change in our community. Each year, Justice Together will train local congregations and volunteers, discern areas of justice we see need for in our community, research the problem and take direct action to make real change with business partners and community leaders. We’ve also pledged to give financially toward staffing and resourcing this newly formed nonprofit and are a part of the leadership teams researching and finding solutions to homelessness and mental health crises in 2024.
Contact us below form more information: