Who We Are
Calvary Youth Ministries are designed to be a safe, fun environment for students grades 6 through 12. We are a diverse, fun-loving community that represents 7 middle schools, 11 high schools, and home schools across 4 districts in the Wichita area.
We gather to Connect with one another, Grow in faith, and Serve the world and our neighbor.
What can I expect?
Calvary Youth meet three times a week: Sunday morning for Sunday School, Sunday afternoon for UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship), and Wednesday evenings for Hangtime Small Groups.
Sunday School: Leaders Austin & RaeLynn Zerr will lead Youth in "Connect Unit 2: The Promise" from Sparkhouse, watching funny and informative videos then discussing the Scripture they are based on. This group meets Sunday mornings 940-1030a in the Youth Center (off the gym).
UMYF: Most weeks we gather for meals, play large-group games of varying degrees of absurdity, learn in an interactive lesson time, and discuss what we're learning in Small Groups. Some "abnormal" things you can expect are The Great Fry-Off, Fast Food Follies, service projects, and more. This group meets Sunday afternoons 4-6p in the gym at the north end of the building.
Wednesday Night Hangtime: We asked the Youth what they need for a mid-week program, and the answers were all the same: "we just need a break, man." Ask and ye shall receive! Wednesday Night Hangtime is meant to provide space to unwind for a little, with video games or basketball, room to work on homework or read, and caring adults who are here to listen. This group meets in the Choir Room at 6p, Fellowship Hall at 630p, and the gym 7-8p.
Welcome to #CalvaryYouth

Youth Registration & Signup Portal
Need to complete a waiver, or register for an upcoming event or meal? Click here
To receive text updates, text “@calvicths” for High School or “@calvictms” for Middle School to 81010. You can also contact us with questions below: