ADULT PLAYLISTS: Incarnation (Archived)

Featured Playlist: Incarnation

Grow and deepen your faith with curated playlists by reading, watching, listening, praying, wondering and doing. These playlists connect with the current worship theme. You can easily tuck them into the rhythm and rhyme of your own life.
Did you miss a Sunday? Wanting to go deeper in your faith?
Click on the images below to get started!

Watch: Incarnation- Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas

View videos from Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas to compliment each week of worship during Advent. Jesus was called many things: Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh. You may have studied what each of these names mean, but what do they tell us about the child whose birth we celebrate? How might the meaning behind these names affect the difference he makes in our lives this Christmas? Best-selling author Adam Hamilton examines the names of Christ, giving historical and personal significance of his birth in this four-week study perfect for all age groups during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
To view the videos log on to your AmplifyMedia account. If you need to create a free account with Calvary’s subscription, call the church office for details

Live: #PictureAdvent

If you are looking for a simple, yet meaningful Advent practice for all ages, check out
You can subscribe to get the daily devotion in your email inbox or follow @pictureadvent on Facebook or Instagram.

Listen: Advent Playlists

Songs of holy longing for Christ’s coming into our dark and broken world to make all things new. With a hope that's at times joyful and at others pained, we cry, with all the saints and prophets across the centuries, "Come, Lord!"

This video features the Advent song, "Those Who Dream" written and recorded by The Many. The visuals are designed to create a dreamscape of images emerging in and out of view, paralleling the music and lyrics.

Participate: Advent Devotions

Use this as a guide to your Advent devotions. Easily modified if you are living alone. Call a friend or family member and use the devotions together using FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. Excerpted from Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas: 100 Prayers,
Practices, and Lessons to Make the Season Sacred by Traci Smith

(Chalice Press: 2020, All Rights Reserved).

Read: Scripture

Scripture Readings: Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:20b-21 and Luke 2:8-12; Hebrews 1:1-3; John 1:1-5; Matthew 2:1-2,8a,9-11

Antiphons are short sentences sung or recited in worship. Learn more about antiphons and incorporate them into your sacred time at home. In the eighth century, the “O Antiphons” were sung at evening prayer during each of the last seven days of Advent, December 17-23. Each antiphon calls on God by a different name. By the thirteenth century, the O Antiphons were adapted into hymns, the most familiar of which is “O Come, O come, Emmanuel”.

Read: Learning to Walk in the Dark

Barbara Brown Taylor’s book LEARNING TO WALK IN THE DARK is an interesting read when we think about practicing Advent this year. This is the year to understand Advent in quieter ways, and to lean into some of the practices she discusses in this book. If you aren’t familiar with the book and don’t have time to read the whole thing, read this TIME MAGAZINE ARTICLE about it:

Pray: Naming Jesus

Pick up a free Advent Devotional from the tub outside of Fellowship Hall or use this one from the Salt Project: