Featured Playlist: Epiphany

These playlists are designed for families with children ages 0-5th grade and will be noted if they are age specific. The activities are short (usually only 5-10 minutes) and include family conversations, Bible stories, devotionals, printables and more. They reflect the building blocks that are important for a child’s faith development .
Choose the activities that work for your family. Pick a time that works...once a week, every day or somewhere in the middle. Use one or two things or use them all. It's up to you as you grow in your faith together!

Wonder: Stargazing

Enjoy stargazing with your family using one of these apps:

Participate: Chalking the Door

Learn about the tradition of chalking the door on January 5th, the eve of Epiphany. It's a way of marking homes and asking for God's blessing for the new year.

Read & Wonder: The Story of the Magi

Read the story of the Magi (also known as the Three Kings) in
Matthew 2:1-12 or in your favorite story Bible.
Wonder about the story together:
-I wonder if the magi were surprised that the newborn king was in an ordinary house.
-I wonder what Mary and Joseph thought when the Magi visited with expensive gifts.
-I wonder what made the Magi decide to go another way.
-I wonder if you can think of a time when you were filled with joy.
-I wonder if you have ever given or received a gift and how you felt about giving or receiving.

Live: Grass Boxes

Here’s a fun practice that children in many other countries, particularly Latin American countries, enjoy doing.

Participate: Cooking "King Cake"

King Cake can be eaten on Epiphany and Mardi Gras. This simple recipe uses store-bought dough. A chunk of orange slice is a great substitute for a plastic baby. All the fun ready in 20 minutes.

Watch: The Magi & Jesus' Baptism

Log in to Amplify Media to see more about the Magi and Jesus’ baptism.